LookML or ELT? Three reasons why you need LookML

LookML or ELT? Three reasons why you need LookML


LookML is a powerful tool that applies business logic and governance to enterprise data analytics. However, LookML’s capabilities are often conflated with those of in-warehouse “ELT” transformation tools like Dataform and DBT

As these tools appear to be similar in nature, it is often thought that users need to choose one over the other. This post outlines why customers should be using both LookML and ELT tools in their data analytics stack, with a specific focus on the importance of LookML. In a  follow-up article, we will cover how you should architect your business logic and transformations between the LookML and ELT layers.

Quick background on LookML

If you are new to LookML, you will want to check out this video and help center article to get more familiar. But to quickly summarize:

LookML is a code-based modeling layer based on the principles of SQL that:

  • Allows developers to obfuscate the complexity behind their data and create an explorable environment for less-technical data personas

  • Brings governance and consistency to analytics because all queries are based off of the LookML model, acting as a “single source of truth”

  • Enables modern development through its git-integrated version control

LookML can power third-party tools

LookML was originally designed to enable analytics inside of Looker’s UI (or in custom data applications using Looker’s APIs). Looker has continued to evolve and announced several LookML integrations into other analytics tools, enabling customers to add governance and trust to more of their analytics, regardless of which user interface they are using. 

Increased adoption of “ELT” Transformation tools

Over the last few years, many organizations have adopted in-warehouse ELT transformation tools, like Dataform (from Google) and DBT, as an alternative to traditional ETL processes. ETL typically transforms data before it’s loaded into a data warehouse. ELT tools take a more simplified and agile approach by transforming data after it’s loaded in the warehouse. They also adhere to modern development practices.

Similarities with LookML

On the surface, characteristics of these ELT tools sound very similar to those of LookML. Both:

  • Are built on the foundations of SQL

  • Enable reusable and extendable code

  • Help define standardized data definitions

  • Are Git version-controlled and collaborative

  • Have dedicated IDEs with code validation and testing

The deeper value of LookML

LookML adds three critical capabilities to your organization that cannot be done solely with an ELT tool:

  1. Flexible metrics and exploratory analysis

  2. Consistency and governance in the “last mile” of your analytics

  3. Agile development and maintenance of your BI layer

Flexible metrics and exploratory analysis

Many teams attempt to define and govern their data solely using their most familiar ELT tool. One reason you should avoid this is related to aggregated metrics (also known as “facts” or “measures”), specifically non-additive and semi-additive metrics. ELT tools are not designed to efficiently support these types of metrics, without building a lot of unnecessary tables.

Types of BI metrics

Metric Type



Sum of Sales 

Count of Orders


Products in Stock

Account Balance


Daily Active Users (count distinct)

Average Gross Margin (avg)

Flexible Metrics
A flexible metric is a metric that is dynamically calculated based on the scope of the request from the user. For example, let’s say your business wants to report on the Daily Active Users on your website, a non-additive metric. If you’re working inside your ELT tool, you may say: “Hey, that’s easy! I can build a new table or view.”

<ListValue: [StructValue([('code', 'SELECTrn DATE(created_at) AS date,rn COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS daily_active_usersrnFROM `events` rnGROUP BY 1'), ('language', ''), ('caption', <wagtail.rich_text.RichText object at 0x3e64a5d3c5b0>)])]>

However, the business also wants to see Monthly Active Users. You can’t just sum up the daily active users because if the same user was active on multiple days, they would be counted multiple times for that month. This is an example of a non-additive metric, where the calculation is dependent on the dimensions it is being grouped by (in this case day or month).

You need to build another table or view that is grouped by month. But the business may also want to slice it by other dimensions, such as the specific pages that the users hit, or products they viewed. If the only tool you have available is the ELT tool, you’re going to end up creating separate tables for every possible combination of dimensions, which is a waste of time and storage space.

Exploratory analysis (powered by flexible metrics)
Even if you wanted to spend your time modeling every permutation, you’d be siloing your users into only analyzing one table or combination at a time. When they change how they want to look at the data, switching daily to monthly for example, they’d have to change the underlying table that they are querying, adding friction to the user experience and leading to less curious and less data-driven users.

LookML avoids this by enabling you to define one measure called “Active User Count” and allowing users to freely query it by day, month, or any other dimension without having to worry about which table and granularity they are querying (as shown below).

<ListValue: [StructValue([('code', '# LookML for non-additive measure, flexibly works with any dimensionrnmeasure: active_user_count {rn description: "For DAU: query w/ Date. For MAU: query w/ Month"rn type: count_distinctrn sql: ${user_id} ;;rn }'), ('language', ''), ('caption', <wagtail.rich_text.RichText object at 0x3e64a5d3c460>)])]>


Having flexible metrics can enable smoother exploratory analysis

Consistency and governance in the “last mile” of your analytics

Even if you believe you’ve perfectly manicured the data inside your data warehouse with your ELT tool, the “last mile” of analytics, between the data warehouse and your user, introduces another level of risk.

Inconsistent logic
No matter how much work you’ve put into your ELT procedures, analysts, who may be working in separate ungoverned BI or visualization tools, still have the ability to define new logic inside their individual report workbooks. What often happens here is users across different teams start to define logic differently or even incorrectly, as their metrics and tools are inconsistent.

Maintenance challenges
Even if you manage to do it correctly and consistently, you are likely duplicating logic in each workbook/dashboard, and inevitably over time, something changes. Whether the logic itself, or a table or column name, you now have to find and edit every report that is using the out-dated logic.

Agile development and maintenance in your BI layer

LookML itself is a “transformation” tool. LookML applies its transformations at query time, making it an agile option that doesn’t require persisting logic into a data-warehouse table before analysis. For example, a hypothetical ecommerce company may have some business logic around how it defines the “days to process” an order.

As an analyst, I have the autonomy to quickly apply this logic in LookML without having to wait for the data engineering team to bake it into the necessary warehouse tables.

<ListValue: [StructValue([('code', '# LookML example of agile transformation at query timerndimension: days_to_process {rn description: "Days to process each order"rn type: numberrn sql: rn CASErn WHEN ${status} = 'Processing' rn THEN TIMESTAMP_DIFF(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), ${created_raw}, DAY)rn WHEN ${status} IN ('Shipped', 'Complete', 'Returned') rn THEN TIMESTAMP_DIFF(${shipped_raw}, ${created_raw}, DAY)rn WHEN ${status} = 'Canceled' THEN NULLrn END ;;rn }'), ('language', ''), ('caption', <wagtail.rich_text.RichText object at 0x3e64a5d3ca30>)])]>

This is especially useful for use cases where the business requirements are fluid or not well defined yet (we’ve all been there). You can use LookML to accelerate “user acceptance testing” in these situations by getting reports and dashboards into user’s hands quickly — maybe even before the requirements are fully locked down.

If you’re solely using ELT tools and the requirements change, you will have to truncate and rebuild your tables each time. This is not only time-consuming, but expensive. Using LookML instead of ELT for quick, light-weight transformations puts data in the hands of your users faster and at less cost.

On the other hand, adding too much transformation logic at query time could have a negative impact on the cost and performance of your queries. LookML helps here as well. Using the same example, let’s say the business requirements solidified after a couple weeks and you’d like to add the “days to process” logic to our ELT jobs, rather than LookML. You can swap out the logic with the new database column name, and all of the existing dashboards and reports that were built will continue to work.

<ListValue: [StructValue([('code', '# Added the transformation logic to ELT layer, new column “days_to_process”rndimension: days_to_process {rn description: "Days to process each order"rn type: numberrn sql: ${TABLE}.days_to_process ;;rn }'), ('language', ''), ('caption', <wagtail.rich_text.RichText object at 0x3e64a5d3c6a0>)])]>

LookML is a valuable tool for modern data teams that should be used in conjunction with your ELT tool of choice. In a follow-up post, we’ll take you through specific examples on how you should architect your transformations between the LookML and ELT layers. As a sneak peak, here’s a high-level summary of what we would recommend.

Where should I do what?



  • The “heavy lifting” transformations that need to be pre-calculated 

  • Data cleansing

  • Data standardization

  • Multi-step transformations

  • Defining data types

  • Any logic needed outside of Looker or LookML 

  • The “last mile” of your data

  • Metric definitions

  • Table relationship definitions

  • Light-weight transformation (at query time)

  • Filters

  • Frequently changing or loosely defined business logic

To get started with Looker, with LookML at its core, learn more at cloud.google.com/looker.