Google Contacts is getting Maps Location Sharing, user weather, local time and a new look

Google Contacts is getting Maps Location Sharing, user weather, local time and a new look

Google Contacts has undergone some significant changes over the past year. It’s not really a powerful CMS by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s much more capable than it was, and it’s becoming even more so with every update.

Thanks to a user named @Nail_Sadykov on Twitter, we now have our first look at an upcoming change to the Contacts app for Android which will add not only the user’s birthday, but also the weather and time in their location!

In addition to these unique and interesting, but most of all useful changes, a new ‘Google Maps Location Sharing’ card will also appear on a contact’s details page so long as they’ve shared their location with you. This will allow you to quickly locate them in real time.

On top of all of this, the Material You theming the app has recently adopted is really coming into its own thanks to these additional cards as well as the new circular contact image container. I’m excited to see what else Contacts will add to make it a more capable and modern relationship management tool. What I’d like to see is each individual custom entry gain its own card instead of them all being lumped together as one grouping of text-based entries.

Let me know in the comments if you use Google Contacts or if you’ve already moved on to Hubspot or something else. Having more Workspace-oriented features for personal accounts is certainly a win, so even if you’re not using it for business, you should give these new features a try once they roll out to you!

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